Posts Tagged 'FilmCamp'

FilmCamp in Chennai: naanga ready! neenga?

A one-day workshop where you make one-minute films!

Ever wondered what it’s like to make a film? Find out at FilmCamp.TV’s 1:1, a one-day workshop where you make one-minute films.

At a 1:1, you will write, storyboard, enact, shoot and edit a one-minute film in one day. Because you cannot make a film alone, you will work collaboratively in groups (not exceeding 5). The workshop is supervised by instructors every step of the way. You will start at 8:30 in the morning and finish by dusk.

Filmcamp have been having successful workshops in Bangalore developin the interstests and the community of independent film making. And they did have a writers meet too on Sunday, 2nd of December in Brew Ha Ha (coffee shop) and it was a wonderful 30 ppl crowd we had. and we had constructive discussions too on more film making plans for many aspired filmmakers, me being one of them too. And we all did know how the BIG boys write scripts… we had a script and screen discussion Shawshank Redemption.

So now, FilmCamp is coming to Chennai to get more people into the groove and realise dreams of filmmaking for anyone who wants to do it. They are going to be there at by mid week, so that you could meet them too… and the workshop is happening on the 9th of December 2007, a sunday!!!! so no reasons of work! at Besant Nagar beach area (tentative) wil be confirmed soon 🙂

To register:

mail at

Call: 0 9901304972 / 9243422797

For more information:

Well again, great things don come for free, the workshop fee is a Rs. 1000. I don think that is a big sum for your first film. SO be there and realise your dream… atleast, how to make a film 🙂 then….adding to this.. Once you are IN… you have the whole community of independent, aspiring Filmmakers.. to support.

See you all there. I am going to be there though! 😀

Well, If any of you think “seeing is believing here 

Support us: Please do blog about filmcamp, pass around the word to anyone and everyone. its all in building the community.

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